Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Thats it... im done for...
All i can do for the past few weeks is stare at my blog entry screen as it patiently waits my input...

Has my life gone this boring?? fuck no...

Went up penang hill for fun...been out deep sea fishing...car body kit added...met some bizarre folks on the street...had my snakes lunch escape in my car!!...moving house...quit gaming...pains in the office!!! ALL bloggable stuff...but why is it when i hit my blogscreen...nada...nothing flows... WTF!!!! :(

I always start the bloggin fine, then my train of thought ups and leaves me...every time its the same, then i lose hope and alt+f4 outta there....ive never felt like this before...



Eaglet said...

You need a muse.
Woay, snap out of it la!Entertain me!

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

aint muses them hot singing babes from greek mythology?

yeah, i could use a couple of em :D