Monday, April 11, 2005

Back to Ground[z]ero


Well, here i am to give it one more shot...see how long i do this before other stuff come up and i forget i started :(

Guess i saw the little tidbit on the Kat/Hyew resemblance when the guys pointed it out to me at the CB yesterday and saw how much fun it could be to blog again.

Folks, please send me ur bits and blogsites please...kinna dont have most of them nomore.

And heres a good thing as any to restart bloggin with...a job rant! :)

what else?

The lines below are dedicated to some nice guys in India who have got on my nerves bigtime today. Coordinating with some of you guys has been like nothing less than negotiating with a brick wall.

So to those precious few who managed to bugger me today, i give to you:

[A Tekkies Call]
I spend my day solving problems all 'round
To tek issues are what im suppposedly bound
But then India's call-centre hotline came about
"What the hell are you saying??" the Aussies would shout
Then the callers raised up their annoyance and dismay
So now when they dial they will usually come our way
"Those asians are owning!!" Said the Indians who found out
Then responded by helping like a bunch of movers with gout
Although your bosses think you're playing pretty smart
i just wanna say PISS OFF! you chapati eating twat

-the ed-


Eaglet said...

Har Har.
Far Nee.

Gaylebait said...


I knew something's been bugging me...
how does twat eat chapati exactly?

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

With great dificulty gayle, with great dificulty, and lotsa kuah...

Anonymous said...

enuff bout the "gout" or a certain serani will get sensitive...